"There are too many masters!" At the back of the crowd, two carriages stopped at the side of the road and Cai Yong and others came here. "Just park your car here." Cai Yong walked out of the carriage. Although the carriage was far away from the crowd, the carriage could see the front situation. […]
After all, the topic is Heaven. If you do well in the exam, you can not only get the clergy, but also show your face in front of Heaven. This is a great opportunity.
The rest of the Kunlun patriarch and Penglai hierarch think the same thing. It’s really heartless. Therefore, the mind also falls on Qin Mu Ye, Qin Mu Ye, and he has a Shinto body. Although he can’t see through it, he must have a deep understanding of it. The three men wondered whether they could […]
The cold is getting stronger.
Sun Hao bought a soul stone with a value of up to 50,000 yuan again to cover up his repair. The dragon made a business deal, and he smiled and praised Sun Hao for his discerning eyes. Xia Qingyu’s brow wrinkled deeply, and the monk in the Holy Palace didn’t feel very good either. News […]
"Buddhist temples occupy a lot of land and embezzle the income of the government …"
"It is inevitable to be wiped out by the imperial court. I woke them up at the beginning." Speaking of this, the Zen master Lingyou seems to remember the general pause for a while and then slowly said "But it is also not a good thing to worship the Tao and destroy the Buddha and […]
Compared with Tang Jun, it is not so good to hit the door, break the wall, rush the car, dig a hole and bury the gunpowder nest car. It is assigned to carry out these Tang Bing. He is also confident and full of armor. He is armed to his teeth. However, if he wants to rely on the city wall, the materials for guarding the city will not be thrown at the surface like money. It seems that there is enough to pour oil and pour turpentine torches. Doped with some gunpowder, the sealed compartment was filled with phosphorus pottery pots to attack each other, but all heavy siege vehicles with clumsy targets were not torn to pieces
Material consumption is amazing, but the deterrent effect of killing is also obvious. Only half a day later, the Tang Jun striker’s death was abruptly interrupted, and thousands of people were killed. After all, the bodies inside and outside all kinds of siege vehicles were retreated to Chengtou, and the casualties were also difficult one […]
Los feather listened to the heart a mistake! If I had known it for 30 years …
Seeing this, he curved the road of saving the country. "The grandmaster said that he would return in a hundred years, but he didn’t say that he had to wait until a hundred years. Even so, after that, you are already too far away to find the grandmaster …" After hearing this, Tianhou smiled quietly. […]
After all, he has grown up and can’t always live with his parents.
"Mom …" Liu Yu looks calm, but there are waves in her heart. At that time, Lin Yunxia, who had fallen into a mess, also did everything he could to pave the way for him to have a stable job, but at that time, he took care of it in his leisure time. But now […]
Xuanxing knows more about the Blue Elves, but most of these three hours are spent by Elder Moqing Xuanxing telling the outside world.
Elder Mo Qing seems to have something to deal with. "Xuanxing, we’ll talk about it another day. You are our blue spirit guest. Let’s stay here for the time being." "Excuse me, then." XuanXing promised to come to the corner. The secret hasn’t been learned from them yet. Xuanxing came out of the hall to […]
Sun Haoqing said, "Don’t worry, everyone. Jianjun said that this is just a preliminary ranking, and there may be a turn for the better."
After that, Sun Hao inadvertently glanced at Ji Yuliu and Ji Yikou as if to himself, saying, "Maybe we need to pay more Bianhuang resources to get the ranking order." Ji Ruxue looked back at Pang Daji’s team and shook his head and said, "I didn’t expect the Sword Sect to rank with an average […]
Gongsun Sheng, Manshan, etc. also know that this is the Five Elements Sect, Fantasy Palace, etc. They want to further woo them so that they can advance together and retreat together in the secret realm.
For such a big fairy fate as Xing Teng Ling Ye, they naturally have no resistance, and there is no reason to refuse. They are eager to be tied together. After all, they also know that they can only get greater benefits in the future if they are tied together with the Five Elements Sect […]